Workflow Engine

Design Workflows to Automate Your Work

The new workflow engine: design workflows with VisionX to automate standard business processes.
Workflows with low code

“While business teams already liked the speed of low-code development, they are now fully in love. The new workflow engine allows them to automate business tasks that used to be boring and manual labor work.” – Roland Hörmann, CEO of SIB Visions

Design Your Workflows

VisionX – as your low-code development platform – allows you to create custom workflows for your business needs. Within the workflow designer, you can create and manage all your business workflows, from project management to logistic tasks to human resources processes (such as vacation requests).
Simply create a new workflow with drag and drop. Each workflow step can then be configured and tested.

Workflow Functions – Which Processes to Automate?

The workflow engine from VisionX can be used for a variety of business processes. Think about vacation requests, logistical standard processes or approval processes. With the new workflow engine from VisionX, you won’t spent too much time with routine tasks.
The workflow functions are divided into the following categories:
  • Database: You can access or change any business data from any of your databases accordingly to your granted access rights. Whether this is on-premise or in the cloud.
  • Flow Control: Flow control gives you a variety of options, such as checking any conditions (for example: Is the project approved?) loop through lists (for example a list of orders) and automate associated business tasks.
  • Functions: The workflow engine gives you various functions – such as client call (to call a method in the current screen), notify or send email
  • REST: With the workflow engine you get REST functionality by default – allowing you to access, change or delete any busienss data via REST
  • To-Dos: The workflow engine also allows you to create todos that are immediately visible for business users. This can be done on relevant screens and can be set completely (for example, to confirm a new product on a project management screen).
Missing a workflow function? No worries. You can configure custom workflow functions yourself via the workflow settings.
Custom workflow functions
workflow integrations

Integrate Workflows in Your VisionX Applications

If you already run your applications on VisionX, you can simply integrate your workflows in your VisionX application. You simply add new workflows to certain screens. For example, you can give users the possibility to send an email within one of your application screens.

Workflow Debugger

Not sure if the created workflows work? No worries. With the workflow debugger, you can test each workflow.
The debugger gives you full transparency if a workflow successfully runs or not. The log output for each workflow step provides actionable insights why something might not work yet.
Workflow debugger
Workflow log monitor

Get All the Information With the Workflow Log

Not sure why a workflow was triggered? Or maybe you’ve seen an unexpected behaviour in your live system? With the wokflow log you can view all active, paused, and old workflows at a glance.
The workflow log provides you with a comprehensive view on all workflow steps and you can even stop or debug selected workflows.

Build Applications With VisionX. Start Automating Work.

Want to see the workflow engine of VisionX in real life? Sign up for a free trial or simply request a personal demo.