Cross-Platform Application Development old

Cross-Platform App Development

Develop for Web, Mobile, and Desktop With One Source Code Only

With VisionX you can develop web, mobile, and desktop applications with one single source code in no time.

The cross-platform application development solution from VisionX helps you develop apps faster.

“With VisionX we are able to create new enterprise apps for web, mobile, and desktop stunningly fast. The created applications are 100% customizable to achieve exactly the results our customers imagined.” – Roland Hörmann, CEO of SIB Visions

Develop Web, Mobile, and Desktop Apps With One Development Team

With the innovative technology of VisionX, you develop your application once and it can run on web, mobile, and desktop.
Your development team only needs to maintain one source code, which saves you time and money.
There’s no need to hire separate development teams for Android, iOS or any other platform as there’s only one source code to maintain.
Your created application can run on the following platforms:
  • Desktop Applications on Windows, MacOS and Linux
  • Native iOS and Android Apps
  • Web Application (HTML5 / CSS3)
remondis VisionX testimonial
Web Desktop Mobile Apps

The Only Technology You Need For Cross-Platform App Development

While VisionX is a platform that lets you visually develop your entire application with one single technology and easily integrate with existing systems, you are able to access native GUI controls at any time.
And what happens with framework versions updates?
You don’t need to care about any framework update. VisionX has you covered: we solve the difference in the API changes. There are no worries for you.
You can also switch between GUI technologies without changing the UI source code.

Cross-Platform App Development – Run 100% on Open Source

VisionX makes it possible to create web, desktop and mobile applications on a Java open-source stack without any lock-in.
Every application created with VisionX only uses Java open-source frameworks and libraries under the Apache 2.0 license (or compatible).
open source low-code platform
factory pattern cross platform application development

How Cross-Platform UI Over Factory Pattern Works

To learn more about our cross-platform UI and how it works in detail with factory pattern, please visit our documentation right here.

The Benefits of Using VisionX For Your Cross-Platform Development

  • Develop apps for web, mobile, and desktop with one source code only
  • Only one development team needed for all UI platforms
  • Framework updates with no worries
  • 100% open-source
  • Access the platform specific UI controls with no limitations
Trusted by organizations of all sizes

Develop Your First Web, Mobile, and Desktop Application Today