Flexible Pricing for your business needs

Flexible Pricing

VisionX pricing is based on the number of developers and of features used. Simple and flexible.
  • Unlimited Applications
  • Unlimited Users
  • Deploy to Any Cloud or  on Premise
  • 8×5 Support
We also offer classic perpetual licenses (one-time payment + yearly support)
All subscriptions will be billed annually.

€ 249/dev/mo

Build Applications fast
Desktop UI
Word Reports

€ 399/dev/mo

Efficient Web Development
Web UI + Desktop UI
Word and Excel Reporting
Eclipse PlugIn

€ 799/dev/mo

Power for the Enterprise
Web UI + Desktop UI
Word and Excel Reporting
Eclipse PlugIn
Workflow Designer + Engine


VisionX options are available as a monthly plan per developer including major updates and bug fixes.
OptionPrice /dev/mo
Native Mobile Apps (iOS & Android)€ 200
Excel Report – Import€ 60
Oracle Forms Features in Java€ 60
Deploy Desktop Client/Server€ 50


All VisionX add-ons are available as a one-off payment, including minor updates and bug fixes. Support costs 25% / year.
User Profiles and Filters€ 500 / Developer
Vaadin Widgetset/Theme Builder incl. Vaadin Charts€ 2.000 / Developer
Automatic UI Testing€ 1.500 / Developer
PDF Report Converter Service€ 4.000 / Server
Application Monitoring Tool€ 4.000 / Server
Oracle Forms Transformation Extension € 20.000


Enjoy a fully interactive, hands-on training session led by one of our experts.
VisionX Standard Training – 2 days – max. 8 participants
VisionX Advanced Training – 2 days – max. 8 participants

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I deploy VisionX applications on site?

Yes. You decide where you want to deploy your applications. VisionX supports deployment to any cloud, on-site, and as a desktop client/server app on a fileshare.

How many applications can I build?

There are no limitations on the number of  applications you can build with VisionX.

Is there any limitation to an application server or database?

We support all Java application servers (Apache Tomcat, Wildfly, etc.) and all major database vendors (Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS -SQL, IBM DB2, MySQL, MariaDB, HANA-DB, Tibero).

Can VisionX be used at my university?

Sure. With the VisionX University Program, universities get VisionX – including full learning material & application examples – for free. Start using VisionX in your classroom today. Learn more about the University Program.